Apr 24 2016 - 8:00pm
CD release: Diary of a Left-Handed Sleepwalker
Three Free Radicals (Scott L. Miller, Kyma and Mart Soo, Guitar and Electronics) CD of free improv, "Diary of a Left-Handed Sleepwalker," was released on Panoramic April 8, 2016.
Recorded in collaboration with Estonian guitarist/improviser/electronicist Mart Soo (under the ensemble name Three Free Radicals), this is one of the capstone events from the Fulbright award for Scott Miller in Tallinn, recorded at Peeter Salmela Studio. Beautiful artwork by Raul Keller and perfect mastering by Margo Kõlar.
On Sunday, April 24, Ars Electroacoustica (Miller with Kyma and Ted Moore, laptop) returns to Reverie with clarinetist Sarah Porwoll-Lee and percussionist Nick Zielinski.
On April 8, Heather Barringer (Zeitgeist, percussion) and Shannon Wettstein Sadler (SCSU, piano) performed Miller's Rubber Band, Man and Every Problem is a Nail at the SCSU Music Department Convocation at 12 noon.
On Thursday, April 14, Scott will do a Lowertown Listening Session with Heather and Shannon, here.