Dec 3 2017 - 3:00pm
Admission: Free —- Duration: approx. 60 minutes
Bodies Electric e-guitar quartet
Vox n Pluxsoprano Elizabeth Farnum & her two guitarists
Bowers-Fader Duo mezzo Jessica Bowers & guitarist Oren Fader
Sheer Pluck guitar orchestra
And with pianist Joan Forsyth& guitarist Angelos Quetzalcóatl December 3, at 3PM at the Third Street Music School Settlement, 235 East 11th Street, New York City.
with premieres by Kyle Miller (US), Agustin Castilla-Avila, lately of Salzburg, John McLachlan, of Ireland, and Emil Awad, of Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico. and encore performances by Judith Saint Croix, Tim Mukherjee, Frank Brickle, Charles Wuorinen& Alba Potes