Feb 4 2018 - 4:00pm
Joelle Wallach'sA Revisitation of Myth will be performed by Ensemble for These Times: Nannette McGuinness, soprano, Julie Michael, viola and Dale Tsang, piano on Sunday, February 4 @ 4 PM at St. Mark's Lutheran Church, 1111 O"Farrell Street in San Francisco, CA.
Written in 1998, A Revisitation of Myth is a four-movement chamber piece for viola, piano and medium voice. Each of the four lyrical and moving songs re-examines a myth (or myths as in the fourth one) to discover new, different or more complex meanings in it. Read Joelle's complete program notes and hear samples here.
Works by Henryk Gorecki, Shulamit Ran, Aleksandra Vrebalov, Julianna Hall and others will also be on the program. Tickets and event information