Robert Carl will be presenting a recital of his music in celebration of his 60th birthday at Hartford University on Sunday, March 1st, at 2pm. The concert will feature five pieces, two of which are premieres of new versions. Perfomers include Janet Arms and Michelle Stockman, flutes; Matt Russo, trombone; Katie Lansdale, violin; Margreet Francis, piano; Elizabeth Brown, shakuhachi; and the violin studio of Katie Lansdale, with Matt Norman on viola.
Robert Carl's Birthday Concert
Sunday, March 1st at 2pm
Hartford Universty
200 Bloomfield Ave West Hartford, CT 06117
Berkman Recital Hall
The concert will also be streamed online for those who wish to enjoy it remotely.
Full Program:
River’s Bend (2011)
Janet Arms and Michelle Stockman, flutes
Robert Carl, piano and voice
Updraft (2010/14)
Matt Russo, tenor trombone (and multitracked on nine alto, tenor, and bass trombones)
Sonatina,“The Dance of Time and Space”
1. Marking the Space
2. Filling the Space
3. Freeing the Space
Katie Lansdale, violin; Margreet Francis, piano
A Clean Sweep(2005/2014)
Elizabeth Brown and Robert Carl, shakuhachi; Gayl Teo, Jessie Snoke, Luciana Arres, Min-Jung Noh, Nam Srirojanun, violin; Matt Norman, viola